Roger Tiley
Roger Tiley’s professional career in photography began in 1978, when he was offered an apprenticeship as an industrial photographer. After spending four years in the post, Tiley became aware that documentary photography was an area that inspired him. Studying on the Documentary Photography course at Newport from 1982-84, he subsequently produced work for national and international publications.
Most of the work produced over four decades of Tiley’s career has been industry related. Being a native of the South Wales valleys, growing up in the 60s & 70s, industry was in abundance. From the days of photographing the 1984/85 year-long miners' strike, his work has become a record of the changing times where heavy industry no longer offers the thousands of jobs it once did.

11am - 5pm Tue - Sat
The ‘Stute
St Davids House
15 Wood Street
CF10 1ER